How To Be More Confident: Ditch Your Ego And Trust Yourself


Having a sense of confidence is essential to our interpersonal and professional lives. It allows us to take on obstacles, connect with people more deeply, and lead us toward a more fulfilling life. It’s essential to be aware of the difference between healthy confidence and unchecked ego to prevent potential consequences. In this way, we can ensure that our confidence is a source of strength in all areas of life.

Confidence vs. Big Ego

Confidence is about having faith in yourself and your abilities—it isn’t a delusional sense of superiority. Those who possess true confidence take pride in their accomplishments and are generally content with themselves, while those with too much ego act as if they deserve special treatment and crave attention from others. It’s essential to be self-assured, but it’s even more important not to let it go too far.

Confidence is a healthy and vital trait that can help us achieve our goals and feel good about ourselves, but a big ego can harm our mental health and relationships. People with big egos may have trouble forming meaningful connections with others, as they often prioritize their own needs and desires above those of others. They may also struggle to accept criticism or failure, leading to frustration, anger, and depression.

Pitfalls of Confidence

Confidence has its merits but can also present risks if left unchecked. We must be aware of the potential pitfalls and guard against them, particularly overconfidence. Too much confidence can lead us to take too many chances and make ill-conceived decisions. In addition, it may lead us to become too preoccupied with our goals at the expense of disregarding those around us. For this reason, caution must be exercised for confidence not to cloud our judgment.

Another potential pitfall of confidence is complacency, which can make us stagnant and resistant to change. When too confident in our abilities and accomplishments, we may become less willing to take risks and try new things, limiting our personal and professional growth. Additionally, complacency can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding for others, as we may become more focused on our success and less concerned with the needs and experiences of those around us.

How to Be More Confident

Gaining self-confidence can be challenging, but it’s also an achievable goal. By setting manageable objectives and taking consistent steps towards them, one can build confidence through accomplishment and a feeling of achievement. Reaching targets we set for ourselves creates an internal sense of satisfaction that helps us take on further challenges with increased certainty.

Another way to build confidence is to practice self-care and prioritize our physical and emotional well-being. This can include getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and practicing mindfulness or meditation. When we care for ourselves, we feel more positive and empowered, which can help us feel more confident in our abilities.

Reducing negative self-talk and replacing it with positive, encouraging statements can help potentialize individual growth. Confidence in ourselves and our abilities makes us more likely to take risks and actively aim to achieve our goals.

Things to Avoid and Be Careful Of

While confidence can be a valuable trait, there are several things to avoid and be careful of to maintain a healthy balance. One of the most important things to avoid is arrogance, which can signify a big ego and be off-putting to others. When too focused on our abilities and accomplishments, we may become dismissive of others and less empathetic toward their experiences and perspectives.

It is also important to avoid comparing ourselves to others, as this can lead to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. When we compare ourselves to others, we may become overly focused on our shortcomings and fail to appreciate our unique strengths and abilities.

Finally, it is essential to be careful about the potential pitfalls of confidence, such as the danger of becoming too self-centered or neglecting the needs of others. When we are overly confident, we may become less aware of our actions and decisions impact on those around us, which can lead to strained relationships and negative consequences.

Another potential pitfall of confidence is the danger of becoming too rigid in our thinking or behavior. When too confident in our abilities and beliefs, we may become resistant to new ideas or perspectives, limiting our ability to learn and grow. This can be particularly problematic when faced with complex or ambiguous challenges that require us to be flexible and open-minded.

To avoid these pitfalls, it is essential to cultivate a sense of humility and openness to feedback and new ideas. This can involve actively seeking out feedback from others and being willing to listen to and learn from their perspectives. It can also involve cultivating a sense of curiosity and openness to new experiences and ideas, even if they challenge our existing beliefs or assumptions.

Finally, it is essential to recognize that confidence is not a fixed trait but something that can be developed and nurtured over time. By taking proactive steps to build our confidence and avoid its potential pitfalls, we can cultivate a sense of resilience and self-assurance to help us navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and grace.


Confidence is an important trait that can significantly impact our mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. While a healthy level of confidence can help us overcome obstacles, build stronger connections with others, and feel more fulfilled in our personal and professional lives, it is essential to differentiate between healthy confidence and a big ego and to be aware of the potential pitfalls that can come with confidence. By taking proactive steps to build our confidence, avoid potential pitfalls, and cultivate a sense of humility and openness to feedback and new ideas, we can cultivate a sense of resilience and self-assurance to help us navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and grace.

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Max E. Guttman is the owner of Mindful Living LCSW, PLLC, a private mental health practice in Yonkers, New York.


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In a world filled with noise, where discussions on mental health are often either stigmatised or oversimplified, one blog has managed to carve out a space for authentic, in-depth conversations: Mental Health Affairs.Founded by Max E. Guttman, LCSW, the blog has become a sanctuary for those seeking understanding, clarity, and real talk about the complexities of mental health—both in personal experiences and in larger societal contexts.

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