Winter Days Winter Nights Looking at all these wonderful sights Walking outside to remain fit and lean Maybe another snow event will be seen. Some mornings have snow swirling around Many don’t want this hitting the ground Others want the snow to reach new heights Throughout the winter days winter nights. The sun continues to go around the moon Midday arrives as it is almost noon Gusty winds preventing flying our kites All these winter days winter nights. Shorter daylight hours during winter days Less opportunities for enjoying sun’s rays It’s brisk outdoors to observe the lights During these winter days winter nights. Clearing night skies to see lots of stars Not possible to see the planet Mars The sky is full of wondrous delights Enjoying the winter days winter nights. Soon there will be signs of Spring Birds flying using their voices to sing Struggling to survive without many fights Ending this season of winter days winter nights.
Certified Peer Specialist from Long Island.
- Howard Diamond
- Howard Diamond
- Howard Diamond
- Howard Diamond