
The Sound of the Buzzer: A Summer Reflection

BUZZ, BUZZ! The “buzzer” sounds ending the first half. What does this mean?

It is not signifying a basketball game has completed twenty four minutes. Nor is it the

sounds of bees as they swarm around us. Well, it tells us that summer is half

over, now that July has changed into August. None of us can recapture the

initial part of this season. Yes, what was done was done. Anyway, would

anyone really want to? A win-win situation from my seat. Boy, that seat is



Summer is hot, indeed.

The Heat of Summer

Wow, it is hard to believe that August has arrived and that summer is fifty

percent over. Has July been a good or a bad month?  Has the seventh ended

or has the eighth begun? A coin can determine these “Family Matters” much

more quickly, but why? “What’s Happening” here?  Conflict has its place, but

not here. Most of the time, I think positively and move ahead. My life is not

always about looking through my rose coloured glasses, but I choose to

gaze at the “Good Times” of my daily routine.


Reflecting on the Past: A Negative Mindset

For many years in my past, I dwelt on the negative aspects. Statements

I said were, “I can’t do this” or “I don’t want to try that”! What a freaking

sourpuss and condescending attitude. Back then I was in muck and mire

of quicksand with little or no rope to pull me out of my predicament. Yes,

my life was in “The Outer Limits” of reality. Poor me, I felt alone, helpless

and very, very afraid.


The Turning Point: A Realization of Change

Then, one day it hit me like a pizza pie in the face. Help was out there,

but it was, “One Step Beyond ” my reach and I could not see well through

the ever thickening fog. Like a familiar line often stated in, “The Three

Stooges”, slowly I turned, step by step and suddenly in the distance was,

“That signpost up ahead…The Twilight Zone. At that moment, I got some

strength and like “Tarzan or Superman”, I was able to find a way to get

out of the quicksand.


Waking Up from the Summer Dream

Within a few moments, the fog began to clear and I awoke to my alarm

ringing beside my bed. Another August day was dawning,  while the TV

was left on again and an episode of “Today or Good Morning America”

was now background noise. So, this was just another August Summer

dream. Bummer, bummer.  Okay now, get out of bed and enjoy the day.

Even with heat and humidity we can try to relax outside.  All of us from

the, “3rd Rock From the Sun”  have various abilities to appreciate the

beautiful weather and have fun.


Coping During Challenging Times

During these times of COVID19 and racial issues, I realized that it was

exceedingly more difficult. For me, I attempt to plan different types of

activities, “One Day At a Time”, sometimes only, “60 Minutes.” By doing

partializing techniques, it helped me to reduce my stress and anxiety. My

suggestion during the second half of summer is to spend part of each day

outside in the sun. Attempt this carefully, one does not want to look like

a lobster or a strawberry. OUCH!!! This can be quite painful. DOUBLE

OUCH!!! Remember, “This is Your Life” so try to have fun while outside

in August and do it at one’s own pace and speed, not someone else’s.


Staying Safe and Healthy in the Summer Heat

When we do this gradually, we can and do start feeling better with less

redness or sunburn. Like on many installments of “Hill Street Blues”,

Sgt. Esterhaus said, “Let’s be careful out there.” Very, very important

now to be safe during the summer, especially this year. Do not need

an “Emergency” and winding up in the “ER”. Therefore, please wear

our masks outdoors, stay at least six feet apart (not to be confused

with the show “Six Feet Under”), do not participate in gatherings or

in large crowds. Plus stop torturing and killing one another by

maintaining “Law and Order.”


A Personal Reflection: Cherishing Loved Ones

From me to everyone reading this article, enjoy August, the rest of this

summer and all of the “Days of Our Lives”. It’s a good time for me to

reflect about my significant other, Maureen. Sweetie, I love you, I

miss you and I still wish you were here.  See you in the Newsblogs.


Certified Peer Specialist from Long Island.


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In a world filled with noise, where discussions on mental health are often either stigmatised or oversimplified, one blog has managed to carve out a space for authentic, in-depth conversations: Mental Health Affairs.Founded by Max E. Guttman, LCSW, the blog has become a sanctuary for those seeking understanding, clarity, and real talk about the complexities of mental health—both in personal experiences and in larger societal contexts.

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