Introduction: The Arrival of Snow
Snow, snow, snow! Who likes snow? For me, I have no use for the snow. Most people cant wait for the initial signs of the coming storm. Where I live this past weekend, about 14 inches of that powdery white substance hit the streets and roofs. Most of Friday night and all day Saturday, the white stuff continued to come down from the gray sky. The wind was blowing over 30mph! The high wind then created blizzard conditions.
Deeper into Winter
Now, it is the first of February. Snow might happen more often given it’s deeper into winter. We will find out soon enough!
The Beauty of Snow
I think it is beautiful to look outside while the snow is falling. Also, I enjoy watching the snow land on all the trees and the neighborhood houses. Not once, however, did I ever venture outdoors on Saturday. I did spend time opening the front door and watching all the activities going on outside.
Dealing with the Aftermath
Fortunately, my landlord and son plowed most of the incredible mounds of snow around the driveway walkways and removed them. He was also kind enough to dig out and clean around my car. Good thinking, I decided to hunker down in my place and keep warm. Later Sunday, I spent my next several hours eating mini hot dogs with the television, watching two consecutive football games.
Understanding Blizzard Conditions
There are two indications that a blizzard warning will occur or is already happening over some time in the last 12 to 36 hours. First, snow or blowing snow reduces visibility to one-quarter mile or less for at least three hours. Second, sustained or continual winds exceeding 30 miles per hour or frequent gusts to 30mph or greater.
Preparing for Winter Storms
That is why we have to prepare for winter storms. It is vitally important to keep oneself, our family, and our homes safe. According to the Weather Channel, these are some vital suggestions we can take before the brutal storm hits:
- Stock the food pantry.
- Buy water bottles.
- Fill prescriptions and hygiene items.
- Buy and build an emergency kit.
- Stock up on ice melt and tools.
- Prepare for a power blackout.
- Make an emergency plan with the family out
- Protect water pipes
- Seal windows and doors
- Check smoke and carbon detectors
- Ready our cars
- Stay informed
- Just be more mindful in general
Dressing for the Storm
While it is storming outside dress appropriately by wearing layered clothing, putting on mittens or gloves, and a hat and hood. Also, cover your mouths to protect against the cold and wind. Try to remain as dry as possible. Avoid overexertion, such as shoveling or pushing a vehicle. When people need to walk, do so when the snow is not as heavy, and be careful on icy sidewalks and streets.
After the Storm Passes
After the storm elements have passed, we must continue to listen to the radio for updates and information.
Check on your friends!
Check on your neighbors!
Check on those who might require extra help!
People needing an extra hand might be the elderly, persons with disabilities, and those without adequate transportation to get around. Also, look after your pets by inspecting if they have enough food, have a clear passage to obtain food, and are in safe and healthy living environments.
Enjoying Winter Days
When it is the winter season, try to enjoy each day as it comes. Try your best to deal with the cold, the wind, the snow, and all the other elements that might be in store for the winter. To do so, I turn up the fireplace, put on a movie, or some calm music. Also, drinking some decaffeinated tea or hot chocolate and reading a magazine or a book helps a lot.
Final Thoughts
Whatever you choose to try, do it to please your inner soul and overall well-being. Be careful and safe one and all.
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Certified Peer Specialist from Long Island.
- Howard Diamond
- Howard Diamond
- Howard Diamond
- Howard Diamond