

Thanksgiving is here with many people to greet

Thanksgiving is here with plenty of food to eat

Everyone have your pants and belts relatively loose

Of course we are having turkey as main meal not a goose

Turkey is already in the stove

Fruit was picked from the grove

Many vegetables ready to be cooked             

Desserts sitting everywhere waiting to be hooked

Feasting is what the holiday is for

Sharing stories of family lore

Together we are here to enjoy this day

We would not have it any other way

Gobble, Gobble, who wants some turkey

Take what you want there is plenty you see

Stuffing and potatoes for all to share

No dieting today, we don’t really care

An assortment of vegetables too many to count

Food on our plates are beginning to mount

Remember to put some gravy on top

Wash it all down with cider, soda or pop

Leave some room for cakes and pies

Can’t stop eating, no one even tries

Another Thanksgiving meal is done

Too full right now to have much fun

Most of the men go and watch football

Or use their cell phones to make a call

While most of the women do the dishes

Discussing what they desire as holiday wishes

The children are in one of two places

Enjoying the day with their happy faces

They are playing outside around near the trees

Or doing things on laptops, busy as bees

It was nice to spend time with friends

When the day begins, we know later it ends

Football teams have many huddles

Before we leave we have group cuddles

Now I’m starting to wake

What I dreamt was totally fake

Another year spending Thanksgiving alone

Later I will call one or both of my friends on the phone

Maybe it’s the time to start a book

Reading the inside covers is where I look

Deciding on one to be read

Maybe I will begin the book in bed

My meal this day will be a frozen dinner

Either chicken or turkey will be the winner

Spending most of the day on my tablet

Just another day I’ll probably want to forget.

See you in the NewsBlogs. 

PS  Gobble, gobble stuff the bird not yourself


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In a world filled with noise, where discussions on mental health are often either stigmatised or oversimplified, one blog has managed to carve out a space for authentic, in-depth conversations: Mental Health Affairs. Founded by Max E. Guttman, LCSW, the blog has become a sanctuary for those seeking understanding, clarity, and real talk about the complexities of mental health—both in personal experiences and in larger societal contexts.

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