Laurie P- Certified Peer Specialist
It always makes me feel good to be honored and treated well by fellow Certified Peer Specialists
I have felt so bullied by my fellow Certified Peer Specialists (CPS) for so Iong that I have thought about killing myself too many times.
I guess I found a way to keep going.
Truly I give my thanks to the Peers who have always stood by me.
I am told that I would be more successful if I kept my mouth shut about “what happened” – (To not tell my recovery story because of “someone else’s reason”).
No thanks, that is the antithesis of what being a peer specialist is and I will not conform.
I do not regret speaking the truth. I have paid the consequences and still do but I have also learned who my friends are and who I am.
The old guard gatekeepers of the peer community can kiss my ass.
There are thousands of amazing people in recovery doing all sorts of cool, unique, helpful, and positive things. Let’s connect! Seeking new peer friends and contacts! We became peer workers for a reason! We are innovative, we are resourceful, we are warriors!
I am an independent radical healing lived experience messenger.
My job is to help make the peer support community better for all of us.
Respecting and protecting the peer community is important.
I offer tools for recovery revolution.
Being true to oneself makes one an unstoppable and powerful force. Not everyone likes someone (like me, haha) who shakes things up, but that is what being a peer is all about.
And that is me; my name is Gregorio “Craig” Lewis, and I rocked the boat because the lives and experiences of all people in recovery are valuable. I dislike my English name, Craig, because I was born into abuse, but you can call me that as long as you are not using it to hurt me.
Collaborate with me by sending an email to: survivingtheimpossible@gmail.com
Stock the shelves of your peer support center and your bookshelf at home with Certified Peer Specialist Authored Coping Skills Workbooks: http://sanityisafulltimejob.org/collections/craigs-books
- survivingtheimpossibleatmentalhealthaffairshttps://mentalhealthaffairs.blog/author/survivingtheimpossibleatmentalhealthaffairs/
- survivingtheimpossibleatmentalhealthaffairshttps://mentalhealthaffairs.blog/author/survivingtheimpossibleatmentalhealthaffairs/
- survivingtheimpossibleatmentalhealthaffairshttps://mentalhealthaffairs.blog/author/survivingtheimpossibleatmentalhealthaffairs/
- survivingtheimpossibleatmentalhealthaffairshttps://mentalhealthaffairs.blog/author/survivingtheimpossibleatmentalhealthaffairs/